
OUSHI Questionnaire System

What can the system do?

Four phases from start to finish

1. phase
2. phase
3. phase
4. phase

Briefly and clearly



OUSHI Questionnaire System

The OUSHI Questionnaire System (OQS) is an efficient data collection tool created by researchers from Palacký University in Olomouc, which enables easy and comprehensive implementation and evaluation of online questionnaires. It is the first system where the client does not have to learn how to create a questionnaire. They just insert the questionnaire questions into our pre-prepared template (there could also be a hyperlink here) and we develop the whole questionnaire for the client, who receives a link with the finished questionnaire.

So with our system you can create any online questionnaire, form or survey without the slightest effort. Entering questions, distributing to respondents and evaluating results is completely seamless and intuitive with the OUSHI Questionnaire System.

When you purchase OQS, you also get access to use the tools found here.

Join our platform and gain an edge in research and data collection. OUSHI Questionnaire System is your reliable partner for online questionnaires and ensures that your projects are professional, easy to use and the results are accurate and useful.

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What can the system do?

We ensure the quality of the data obtained using several OQS functions:

  • checks the quality of the answers,
  • it monitors the speed of answering,
  • warns of incomplete questions,
  • checks for multiple completion,
  • detects systematic answering.

The questionnaire can be made up of different types of questions, including those that contain images or whose answer is a images, as you can see in the example below.

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Among other things, the system records the respondent’s cursor when filling in the questionnaire, so you can use this kind of information as well.

Another advantage is that our advanced OQS system automatically generates a unique code for each respondent, allowing you to link data from one respondent across multiple questionnaires, ensuring even higher quality of your outputs.

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A big attraction that will clearly draw respondents to complete your questionnaire is the personal assessment for the respondent. This means that after completing the online questionnaire, the respondent will immediately receive information about their status compared to others who have already completed the questionnaire, or compared to the general population for which we have pre-collected data.

This is what possible feedback for a respondent might look like:

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We make data collection simple and fast for you. That’s why you can use collectors, who can be for example your friends, colleagues or employees who can help you collect data. All they have to do is distribute a link with your online questionnaire and you will get many more respondents without any effort. Of course, you will be able to keep track of which collector helped you collect what data thanks to a spreadsheet where everything will be automatically recorded.

Once the data has been collected, OQS will generate a data file importable into a variety of statistical softwares, including detailed variable descriptions (data and variable labels). With this, it will also generate a codebook, a file explaining the coding of respondents’ answers. Now everything is ready for statistical analysis!

Four phases from start to finish

1. phase

As mentioned in the introduction, we create the questionnaire for you in the system! So your task is just to fill in this template (tady bude link), where all the other information to insert your items is located.

2. phase

You will receive a link with the completed questionnaire and can distribute to respondents. Your collectors can help you in data collection.

3. phase

The respondent gets the assessment and you get the data!

4. phase

Import the resulting data file into any data analysis software.

For example, the obtained data may look like this: Alt text

Codebook: Alt text

And done!

Briefly and clearly

Response rate tracking ✔️
Randomization of questions ✔️
Number of questions in the questionnaire unlimited
Number of completions per month unlimited
Unique code for respondent ✔️
Response assessment for the respondent ✔️
Data collection using collectors ✔️
Data file generation ✔️
Codebook generation ✔️
Warning of incomplete questions ✔️
Possibility of using images ✔️
Respondent’s cursor tracking ✔️
Multiple completion check ✔️
Lie-score ✔️
Recognition of systematic answering ✔️


OUSHI Questionnaire System can be purchased for three time periods: 1 month, 3 months and 6 months.

OQS usage period Price
1 month 88 €
3 months 260 €
6 months 520 €

To purchase the OQS platform, please contact us here with the time period you are interested in. We will contact you back with payment information, a template for inserting your questionnaire items, and an instructional video on how to insert items into the template.


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Last modified March 3, 2025: chore: fix links and shortcodes (78687a1)